
  1. CrackRabbit

    2021: Return of Gawker (somewhat)

    Gawker, the digital brand whose gimlet-eyed but often caustic tone won it many fans but plenty of enemies, has been brought back to life by Bustle Digital Group. Leah Finnegan, who was a staffer at the original Gawker, is the editor-in-chief of the new version. It joins a portfolio of brands...
  2. .wil

    READ ME Lulz News Sticky

    As per EDF tradition: Post lulzy news stories here. New threads in this forum feed the EDF main page portal. When you post a news article include an image and a quote from the article. Threads posted without an image/quote will be edited or possibly deleted. Threads that consist of only a...
  3. .wil

    Fine Threads For Fine Forum Diners

    A throwback thread to when ED was making the internet gr8 again. I'm gonna post some archive links to golden threads from ED history with a short summary. Feel free to join in. https://archive.vn/forum.encyclopediadramatica.rs https://archive.vn/forum.encyclopediadramatica.se There's even...
  4. Likeicare


    Are there any shooters or something that you guys would be interested in playing as a group I dont mind playing on high ping if its just for fun
  5. A Fucking Box

    EDF6 1st Annual Yearbook Thread

    Welcome to the official EDF6 anal yearbook @j15m is too old to maintain a yearbook so I will Post your pix/penis/trannyhole here .wil: A Fucking Box: airduster: Aroukar: ASSBLONKER: Branman65: chuj: Cock: Cosmic Sewer Hobo: dropdatwat: edge_beta: ferrisballer...
  6. Tabs

    Redeem/Request your EDF 2 Badges here

    Will update with the added badges See available badges here
  7. Chimplord1997


  8. Maysam

    random image and video thread

    Don't care if it's from 4chin, facebook or twatter, just dump good shit here. It doesn't matter if it's wtf or funny or whatever as long as it's not facebook humor. I'll start
  9. Call Me Tim

    VirginEDF is worried and scared of ChadEDF

  10. Call Me Tim

    The pets of the REAL EDF.

    Question: What kind of faggot posts pictures of his pets here. Answer: a massive one.
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