
  1. SamThinksYourDisgusting

    Minecraft is a good game shut the fuck up

    I see cunts here shitting on the game for no reason and I think you guys are just miserable faggots. Stop with your bullshit! There's things in it you can't do in other games, I mean look at my world and tell me... If you played show me if yours is like this too.
  2. Fudgefag02

    Retro console recommends?

    Been into collecting and playing vidya james for many years (because I lack social skills) and wanted to get some opinions on consoles/games to collect. I've mostly been collecting NES, SNES, 2600, Wii and Switch (so you can tell I mean business lul) What are some other good systems to...
  3. Samuel

    Among Us Thread

    Why is there no thread for this game already?
  4. umkemesik

    Encyclopedia Dramatica Official Minecraft Server

    Connect here (no mods) :
  5. dropdatwat

    i finally beat the main quest in skyrim after a decade

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