help me i am crippled lets compare penises

  1. pringleslover34

    Help with cleaning up article

    Haiiiiiiiii :3 hello haiiiiii :3 My article got listed as crap and I don't know how to make it NOT crap. I'll take any suggestions if you don't feel like editing it yourself because I'm gonna spend the weekend refining it anyway. If you're feeling creative you may submit fanart of the white...
  2. EnemyOfTheLulz

    Can everyone here over the age of eighteen post pictures of their penis please?

    I know I have been bullying you all and trying to cause strife in the forum via a cacophony of sorts… However I am in dire need of the perfect penis to show my online girlfriend. I want her to know she arouses me. She is twenty-six years old and we have known each other for a decade nearly. She...
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