oddguy is gay

  1. FBIAgent

    Oy Vey!

    It looks like that (((Oddguy))) has had his twitter account hacked. https://twitter.com/EZPZisback Is Igor Lozovik his real name? I heard it was Yitzhak.
  2. Samuel

    Among Us Thread

    Why is there no thread for this game already?
  3. Samuel


    Just found this and laughed. Can somebody tell me the backstory of it?
  4. BiteySnek

    I Suggest A Little 9mm Mouthwash

    For uh, for "mini-me"... Stumach... Stomach... uh... Jacob? Tha'fuck ever his name is. I like the part where he made like Chris Chan and tried to trademark the name. LOL I also like the part where I got dozens of you banned off Twitter for literally no reason whatsoever. I've been utilizing...
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