dick masterson is a bitch
fuck oddguyoddguy is a bullshit artist
oddguy lied in his videos
oddguylikestosuckalotofbigcocksoddguy once made a shitty youtube channel called ezpz
shitfaced cock master
Stay here.
You fucking freaks better just stay here in this hellhole you made for yourselves, and never, ever leave.
You stay away from the rest of us normal human beings and stay in the hole, hidden away from both the internet and the world, so that no one has to deal with your asinine...
I was going to write a whole post about why oddguy/EZ PZ was a shit YouTuber and why his wrong, but I found this video and it does a better job.
I know it's an old-ass rant that oddguy did but people don't call this guy out for his bullshit enough.
It's a long commentary but it's real good...
fair criticism
fuckkk burrrppp im still sooo hungry
im a fatso
im getting fatter and fatter
oddguy fucks goats
oddguylikestosuckalotofbigcocksoddguy once made a shitty youtube channel called ezpz
ohhhhh im getting fat
watch me get so fucking fat
big bouncing tits
chinese anal swab covid-19 detection method
edf 6
gentle femdom
mommy just hold me