op is a niggermonkey

  1. Jerry

    what would you like to be added to the ED quiz

    What would you like to be added to the ED quiz the which encyclopedia dramatica member quiz are you what people/users with descriptions and questions and answers would you like to be added?
  2. EnemyOfTheLulz

    GirlOnTheInternet is a useless bitch that won’t give me what I want!

    I want the nigger badge and I want it now!
  3. Major Tuddy

    Welp; looks like the admins on here are all Dallass Clownboys fans.

    All bitter about how my Commanders bumped them out of playoff contention. Spoiler Alert: Restricting my account won't make Daddy come home, or make Mommy less of a black cock slut. The only thing that will make you less of a fat fuck is putting down the fork and exchanging the pizza for a salad.
  4. flipflicko


  5. EnemyOfTheLulz

    Secular talk , Sam Seder, and David Pakman are the best

    TYT and Alex Jones are funny news but not serious business. I watch the aforementioned for news and the latter two for entertainment
  6. SamThinksYourDisgusting

    I am sorry for my autistic bullshit over the years....

    When I first come here on ED a few years age, I thought and was hoping this was just a place for weird and obscure internet culture, and maybe a place for internet justice against the forces of degeneracy. But it turns out you are the degeneracy. It's actually a shithole safe-space for a butch...
  7. Number999999

    Atheist filth named "Shon" beats Algore's high score in Madison, Wisconin.

    An atheist Faggot shot up a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin. He used, of course, a 9mm Pistol, Just like Algore. Most of the info I will include from Wikipedophile https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abundant_Life_Christian_School_shooting
  8. Major Tuddy

    Any other Commanders fans on here?

    I'm Major Tuddy, a big Commanders fan since the Fun Bunch era. I'm also a Social Democrat, Kamala supporter, LGBT/BIPOC ally, punch-Nazis leftist. (Hey, trumpanzees...how else can I piss you off today?)
  9. Night Lurker

    monkey post containment

    No tell me lies.
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