op is proof degeneracy can be white

  1. LowTek

    Mr. LowTek's Psychic learning/healing thread...

    How in the fuck, did this happen...?
  2. sheldonsnooper

    I made myself asian as side effect

    I fucking neutered myself, I have few transparent drops instead of cum, it is even sad, I killed myself by castrating myself, now I am a living corpse and walking like a zombie. I used to produce tons of cum each shot and my cock and balls were large, now I feel fucking asian with whatever I...
  3. Branman65

    Granblue fantasy season one review

    The first season of granblue fantasy, running 13 episodes, is a nice, fun, and quick show that will make you feel warm inside. The show features gran with his lizard sidekick named vyrn(who insists that he is a dragon) who team up with a Imperial lieutenant lady named katalina and a girl named...
  4. Branman65

    derek chauvin is let off.

    The cop who was arresting ol’ George when he died has been arrested. The niggers attacked him leaving court https://dailystormer.su/minneapolis-savages-permitted-to-swarm-george-floyd-arresting-officer-as-he-leaves-court/
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