quiet you'll attract niggers

  1. Quence

    People continue to investigate the attempted assassination of President Donald J. Trump

    In my well regarded opinion, no one with a shred of common sense believes that the Crooks doofus did it on his own. https://kiwifarms.st/attachments/7105670/
  2. RegulatorRift

    Big Wyyz Radio Lulcows

    How much are we betting these people don't shower
  3. Haha Yes

    Bill Cosby is Free

    Bill Cosby released from prison after court overturns sexual assault conviction Cosby dindu nuffin
  4. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Don't (((lock out))) this account

    Ye, it's wyyzrd, no point in hiding it, yall would've figured it out anyway. This account isn't gonna be (((merged))) or (((discouraged))), it's gonna be a back up just incase my other account is discouraged, (((which it currently is))). I'm not even gonna post that much over the next month...
  5. dropdatwat

    who would win

  6. Viril.Feline.Wyyzrd

    Another Autistic Call out thread that doesn't make sence and will last for too many pages.

    @lolwat stop rating my posts badly. Your opinion offends me horribly. Why did you have to make me have to bug the shit out of you for the next week...
  7. dropdatwat

    Computer stuff you just got

    I'll start
  8. umkemesik


    Testing ========= Edit by .wil TagCloud is now working. Use the fucking tags when making a thread. This helps with SEO and jewgle finding our shithole of a website. Try to make them relevant to the thread. Staff can add tags. Things are still being worked out, and you know if UMK is doing...
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