Just to day, on July 17 2021, Christine Western Chandler was found dead in her house with a shotgun in her hands and with her head almost gone.
Police found a note from Christine saying she can't take it anymore more and she just wanted to finally go to cwcville.
His motherfucking, Barbara Chandler...
chris chan
chris chan is ok
chris chan killed barb oh my god oh no
chris chan safe crisis
chris-chan is alive and well
shit barb found safe
Hey guys, my friend was able hack Cock again and found some fucked up shit he was apparently fapping to on pornhub.
Take a look.
Also, here's proof that is Cock a bigger, butthurt bitch then he claims I am:
cock can't get enough of bbc
cock has autism
cock is a butthurt crybaby
gay porn
revenge porn
samuel fellates men
samuel has aids
samuel is a fed
samuel is totally not mad
cock has autism
cock is a butthurt crybaby
gay anal sex
gay nigger sex
gay porn
revenge porn
samuel fellates men
samuel has aids
samuel is a fed
samuel is totally not mad
samuel raped and murdered a child
All I did was gave this clown some negative ratings for shitposting on my status, and then he spergs out and rates literally all of my posts until I was at -20. NO JOKE!
It's ok tho because thanks to a friend, I found out that Cock is actually insanely gay. Here is the proof:
sock that cock...
cock can't get enough of bbc
cock has autism
cock has never even kissed a girl
cock has no penis
cock has no penis because he is penis
cock is a butthurt crybaby
cock is jealous of samuel and his bisexuality
lol fgt ahhhahahahah lol u suk bals ololoololollololoolollollol
lolol fgit hahah u suk balss lollololloollolo
lolollloloo fgt hahahha u suk bals oloololoollo
lolollolo fgt hahahh u suk bals lol llolololololllollolol fgt hahahhaaha
lololol fgt ahahaha lol u suk bals olololollool
lololololo fgt ahahhah u suk bals ololololllololol
ololol fgt lol u suk bals ahahhahah lololloolollo
samuel is totally not mad