About the Big Thuper Bull Game in America

I don’t give two figs about who won the game (most women don’t). But I’m overjoyed that Taylor Swift lost. I hate her with every fibre of my being. She is a TERRIBLE singer and an even worse person.

Also, who decided to open a cage at the zoo and put a mumbling negro baboon on at halftime? That hideous creature with zero talent and its wide nose splayed across its face was effing HORRIBLE! I thought at any moment it might reach behind and throw its feces at the camera.

However, there was SOME gold to be mined from that overblown spectacle and, naturally, it came from our God-King:


I don’t give two figs about who won the game (most women don’t). But I’m overjoyed that Taylor Swift lost. I hate her with every fibre of my being. She is a TERRIBLE singer and an even worse person.

Also, who decided to open a cage at the zoo and put a mumbling negro baboon on at halftime? That hideous creature with zero talent and its wide nose splayed across its face was effing HORRIBLE! I thought at any moment it might reach behind and throw its feces at the camera.

However, there was SOME gold to be mined from that overblown spectacle and, naturally, it came from our God-King:

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>glazing trump instead of your own man

I knew "women" like you were untrustworthy
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