From the comments:
Nem Denemam - they only get out in the ports? Holy shit. I thought there was rotations or something so that they can see the outer world at some frequency. I dont get it how they dont go nuts.
neutrino78x - some of us are just different and can handle it

there is a psych exam required to serve on submarines and one of the things they're looking for is to rule out people who don't seem like the type who would be able to handle it.
I served on USS Florida SSBN-728 and USS Asheville SSN-758. Only went to see on Florida, though. Asheville was in drydock the whole 9 months I was assigned to her. On Florida, I went on four deterrent patrols, and my DD-214 says 365 days at sea. It is VERY stressful duty: 24-48 hours awake was common, and I once stayed awake for 4 days...this is because we need submarines to do a lot of missions and we don't have many submarines. You have to be smart because you have to become Qualified in Submarines, an intellectually rigorous qualification that takes months of study to prepare for, and involves a 2 hour interview with a 3 person board, including one non-nuclear trained enlisted person, one nuclear trained enlisted person, and one nuclear trained officer all three sit there and ask you questions about the submarine, how it works, and how to handle emergencies (we are all trained Advanced Firefighting and Advanced Damage Control) and you need to know the answers.
The longest I stayed underwater was 87 days.
They are taking females now (no females when I was in the USN but I always approved of it and thought it was a good idea). If you know a young woman who has graduated from high school and seems very smart and seems like she would be able to handle stressful duty in confined quarters, send her here:
Here's the recruitment page for officers (both male and female). To be An Officer of the Line or as we prefer to call it in the US Navy "Line Officer" -- meaning you could be the Captain of a submarine one day -- you need 1 year of calculus and 1 year of science involving calculus. If you don't have those qualifications but do have a degree, you can be the Supply Officer (they need fewer supply officers, they have a greater need for Line Officers).