Baka's travelogue

In mesa, AZ
Onward to mexico

The cops are aggressive. The petrified forest in the north was cool tho

A fat retarded mexican woman begged me at a gas station to buy her "uno litro coca cola"

Police and military are a constant prescence. We got stopped once by their national guard. They seemed surprised an american was driving a shitty beater here

We stick out really bad as midwesterners by being the only ppl here wearing shorts and t shirts. The locals all are wearing pants and jackets even tho its 70

"Mexican men dress gay"- my boyfriend
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The city center of La Paz is really nice. It's just normal families hanging around. I'd recommend anyone visit if they get the chance. Snorkeling around the area is amazing. Pufferfish are cute
How did you get into South America? I know that you couldn't have driven their directly in a car.
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