Can everyone here over the age of eighteen post pictures of their penis please?

I know I have been bullying you all and trying to cause strife in the forum via a cacophony of sorts…
However I am in dire need of the perfect penis to show my online girlfriend. I want her to know she arouses me. She is twenty-six years old and we have known each other for a decade nearly. She has never seen my face and years ago I was in a car accident. I am paralyzed from the waist down and am unable to get an erection.

I do not want my girlfriend to feel she is unattractive and if she finds out I am handicapped she might not love me. I know I am a crippled piece of shit to be asking you all this favor after my antagonistic behavior but pretty please?


Projecter of TehLULZ
I know I have been bullying you all and trying to cause strife in the forum via a cacophony of sorts…
However I am in dire need of the perfect penis to show my online girlfriend. I want her to know she arouses me. She is twenty-six years old and we have known each other for a decade nearly. She has never seen my face and years ago I was in a car accident. I am paralyzed from the waist down and am unable to get an erection.

I do not want my girlfriend to feel she is unattractive and if she finds out I am handicapped she might not love me. I know I am a crippled piece of shit to be asking you all this favor after my antagonistic behavior but pretty please?
mfer what
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