Changing Domains

Sometime around Sunday night, I will be changing the domain name back to (8/9/2020), for conformity purposes. This change should be relatively painless, but the site will be down for about an hour at least.

Let me know ITT if you have any last minute changes I should implement on the site. Remember to clear your ad blocker to see our awesome banners.
It's not a huge deal, but I noticed that medals don't seem to be around anymore. Are they gone forever or might they make a comeback in some manner?

I didn't know about that. I see mine, except on news stories like this.
Maybe I need to somehow activate my medals, although I don’t see anyone else’s medals either other than your medals when I click on your name.
I'd like to put some metal around your neck and push you into a lake.
I don’t like Stephen King’s stories because he simply borrows characters from his previous stories and inserts them in his new stories. It’s lazy writing.
Do you mean literally or does he make new characters that are expy's?

I don't see whats wrong with the former, whenever Bret Easton Ellis does it it's cool.
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