Dating Criteria


EDF2 Survivor
What are the minimum traits your date/partner would have in order for there to be long term potential? List them in order of importance here. I'll start.

1. Female.
2. Age gap <10 years. (I'm over 30)
3. Capable of living independently.
4. Confident or at least not needing constant assurance.
5. Facial features do not resemble smashed shellfish.
6. I can deadlift her straight off the ground into a fireman's carry without spraining anything.
7. Sucks me off.
8. Doesn't cover every free surface with junk.


Old Skool
  • +2 To All Skills
  • +45% Faster Run/Walk
  • +1 To Teleport
  • +750-775 Defense (varies)
  • +(0.75 Per Character Level) +0-74 To Strength (Based On Character Level)
  • Increase Maximum Life 5%
  • Damage Reduced By 8%
  • +14 Life After Each Kill
  • 15% Damage Taken Goes To Mana
  • +(1 Per Character Level) +1-99% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based On Character Level)
>Decent looking.
>Not a bitch.


EDF2 Survivor
What are the minimum traits your date/partner would have in order for there to be long term potential? List them in order of importance here. I'll start.

1. Female.
2. Age gap <10 years. (I'm over 30)
3. Capable of living independently.
4. Confident or at least not needing constant assurance.
5. Facial features do not resemble smashed shellfish.
6. I can deadlift her straight off the ground into a fireman's carry without spraining anything.
7. Sucks me off.
8. Doesn't cover every free surface with junk.

1. female
2. cleft chin
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