DMX is nearly DOA (say it like "Duhmex is nearly dohwa")


DMX checked into a hospital in upstate New York, according to TMZ

DMX was hospitalized and said to be in critical condition after suffering an overdose that caused a heart attack, according to TMZ.

The 50-year-old rapper was taken to a hospital in White Plains, New York after the medical event on Friday night, the outlet reports.

TMZ says it learned from sources that the overdose triggered the cardiac arrest and now the rapper, whose real name is Earl Simmons, is in a grave condition.

The only ruff rydin' he'll be doin' now is in...y'know, one of those powered wheelchairs where you blow into a tube to make it move.

DMX's Family To Hold Vigil After 'Ruff Ryders' Pay Tribute To Rapper Who's Still Clinging To Life After Overdose

" Nakia Walker, his former manager, told BuzzFeed News on Sunday that the rapper, born Earl Simmons, is in a "vegetative state" with "lung and brain failure." She said she had just spoken with his family. "
Buzzfeed is gay, it can suck my cock. Buzzfeed is for homosexuals.
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