ED wiki recommends Periscope or Kikebook but periscope is gone and since Saint Brenton Harrison Tarrant facebook will not allow more violent content, Twitch was good but since Stephan Balliet the same happened and thats why Payton Gendron stream got nuked. Does anybody here know a good way to stream one?
My introduction: 20 yo male from latin america who just wanna make it into the high score. I got @konrad in the personality quiz and I enjoy lurking ED articles and have so many lulz. ofc i will wear an ed t shirt and a sonichu medallion too
My introduction: 20 yo male from latin america who just wanna make it into the high score. I got @konrad in the personality quiz and I enjoy lurking ED articles and have so many lulz. ofc i will wear an ed t shirt and a sonichu medallion too