everyone who makes company sites so that you need to make an account just to apply for a job should be lined up against a wall and shot

Some free advice

If you actually go in and demand a job you have about 10000000x better chance than sending in an application
i want/need one lined up before moving to the other end of the the eastern seaboard
btw how did you know it's not called hungry jack's outside of aus
brain damage.png

The user known as Benjamin Cohen has talked at great lengths about acquiring firearms and now has publicly stated he wishes to murder people working for various companies around the eastern seaboard. This should be construed as a legitimate threat and should be pursued as such.

The Users of Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums

The user known as Benjamin Cohen has talked at great lengths about acquiring firearms and now has publicly stated he wishes to murder people working for various companies around the eastern seaboard. This should be construed as a legitimate threat and should be pursued as such.

The Users of Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums

What kind of firearms: Dildo Cannons? Is he gonna kill them with faggotry?
i want/need one lined up before moving to the other end of the the eastern seaboard
Take factory work. Just for 3 months so you can get to know the area you are at and do your research on what computer gig you want in the area. If they ask why a university educated Jew wants to work in a factory tell them a fake story about how you got out of rehab for stalking your ex and smoking fetanyl. Having a university degree and being a fuck up makes them think you deserve to work in a factory(while your degree makes you a good catch) for the rest of your life and then when you have a computer gig lined up you give them 2 weeks notice and go do your computing thing.

P.S factory and warehouse work pays better than you think.
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