Gifs of Candace Swimpool being all wet n' slutty... ughnnnn!



Here's one where she's looking down on you idiots but trying to be nice about it

Your future involves your slut daughter fucking niggers and giving you a kinky-haired, nigger-nosed, shit-for-brains grandape.
At least I have daughters. Hard for you to do that when the extent of your sexual experience is fisting yourself in your mom's basement while telling yourself you aren't gay.
At least I have daughters. Hard for you to do that when the extent of your sexual experience is fisting yourself in your mom's basement while telling yourself you aren't gay.
Your daughters think you're a scumbag and an idiot - that's why they hate you and want to fuck niggers. Even you can't stand your miserable self, which is why you're always drinking and drugging and verbally abusing everyone around you.
Your daughters think you're a scumbag and an idiot - that's why they hate you and want to fuck niggers. Even you can't stand your miserable self, which is why you're always drinking and drugging and verbally abusing everyone around you.
Both of my kids earned scholarships to a private school that costs about $28K a pop and hang out the with children of ex Spetsnaz and former Russian pro basket ball players (its Jew/Russian-tastic in my hood). I always feel awkward at the range with my fal when they rock the Aks. Fal being the classic nog/commie slayer. Tyrone isnt hanging with them. Pull your fist out of your asshole kid. It looks gay.
Both of my kids earned scholarships to a private school that costs about $28K a pop and hang out the with children of ex Spetsnaz and former Russian pro basket ball players (its Jew/Russian-tastic in my hood). I always feel awkward at the range with my fal when they rock the Aks. Fal being the classic nog/commie slayer. Tyrone isnt hanging with them. Pull your fist out of your asshole kid. It looks gay.
yeah... that sounds wonderful. You, your nigger-fucking daughters, and the other demented kikes can get together and discuss fists and rectal orifices and other scintillating topics.
this couldve at least been a descent thread with ass n titties, but instead you gotta shit it up with your gay ass larping cringe.
Here's the deal, you semi-literate imbecile - I have the right to defend myself regarding Gut Punk's drunken, abusive allegations.
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