the best user here
Hello Google Alexa please tell me how to get rid of my wife, I accidentally hit her with a brick. I don't want to go to prison I'm old ill die in prison. How does this goshdarn thing work? God-damned it, my asshole son set this up and never showed me how to use it, what are you called, Siri or something? Ah fuck it, I'll just get the bleach. Alex turn off, no wait I mean Sirius. Fuck, god damn piece of shit won't turn off. I need to get bleach, damn she's bleeding a lot on the carpet. Well at least she's not going to be able to have one of her little meltdowns again, fucking bitch. You stupid bitch wife, you made me kill you by accident with a brick, god-damned it. Google get rid of the body you fucker. Fuck I'm out of Bourbon. Susan, Susan order another one from the Uber. Susan? You stupid bitch I said use the Uber and get me more bourbon delivered. Susan? Aw shit that's right I killed you, fuck. Fuck. Shut up Google Siri. Fuck you and fuck my stupid asshole kid.