As we fight another civil war, which hopefully will be our last for a while, you may be wondering "Geeze, it fucking sucks to rewrite articles every time the site goes down and changes hands".
This kills the wiki, as a lot of our top talent has simply had enough. But don't worry, Daddy's here to help.
Did you know? Must wikis have an export to XML function? Unfortunately, if you are a Jew that thinks you own a public wiki, you can turn off this function.
Fortunately I am not a Jew, but a half-breed Mexican. And what do Mexicans like? Free shit. So we turned on page backups. Or I should say left them on.
To use just go on the Special:Export page of the wiki. i.e.;
Export pages - Encyclopedia Dramatica
As you can see you can backup from categories or individual pages. Once you hit Export, a XML will download.
Neat huh? That's all you have to do to make sure your precious articles are archived.
Done using the Special:Import command. i.e.;
Permission error - Encyclopedia Dramatica
Default locked to Admins. This should not be used to do large database imports.
It's not wise to allow this function to the general public for obvious reasons. Simply contact an Admin and have them upload it.
So, lord Jewmort said he would have backups. Turns out he was lying. What he meant was he'd give backups to darknet contacts like "Alice".
You are probably thinking, why would I want my login and IP information in the hands of Anonymous Scammers?
Backups should be made often, but also given to those who can be trusted not to sell your shit.
A small group of trusted individuals will be given links to backups;
@.wil @GirlOnInternet @GloriousReader @Likeicare @Baka and a few others.
This will be the policy going forward. The SQL backups do not contain images...we'll have to figure something out about that.
RESTORING SHIT (large dumps)
This is done via a php terminal command by the SysOps. The XML files doesn't even have to be on the server to grab.
If you have a XML dump that you want to see restored contact me (for now) here on the forums.
Images can be uploaded in masse. If you have a large cache of image files I can upload them and run a simple script to have it linked to the wiki. The images have to be the same name as they were on the wiki.