Has anyone played Devil Survivor?

It's the Deus Ex of weeaboo RPG's. The things in it's story are still kinda relevant today despite it being made in like, 2009.

  • People breaking the law and killing eachother because of their conflicting ideologies
  • E-girls
  • Simps
  • Drama because policemen attacking/killing people
  • Noone trusts the government
  • Quarentines
Gameplay is really hard but fun too. Way better than Casual Souls
explain to me how exactly you've came to this conclusion
99% of the time when you post, it's horribly transparent that you try to mindlessly pander to the average Ediot's pessimism and anti-tumblrina mindset for clout with the hope of fitting into the EDF cool kids club and getting privs.

That shitty no energy Oscars thread is the most recent example.

Stop sucking janny dick.
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