Hey California, Your Shits On Fire (again)

You know it's gonna be bad because I was mentally riffing off it three days before it happened. That means the relative emotional impact is so off the scale it bled through time-space and saturated the Extraverse (atemporal space, imagination space).

I was mentally swimming in it right before it happened...

*snaps time*





Welcome to three days ago.

Death never ends for living-dead nightmares...

Do not pity them, they know full well the hell they burn their souls into. They operate out of defiance of creation itself. They deny creation, they deny God, they deny their very being and they get exactly that state. Their souls scraped into the side of forever itself!


Well I guess this didn't help...

Well they can always make one of these...

N2 Bomb - Liquid_Nitrogen_Bomb.png
so, you think someone set this fire for real estate investment or tax-scam purposes?
two people have died, so it's a murder case now..............

*snaps time*

So who wants to bet on what started it?!

I'm guessing either... electric car fire or illegal invader.

I bet the crazies Biden let into our country will just start setting everything ablaze!

Why not? I mean, if they're going to be deported anyway, they got no reason to be lawful.

What are you gonna do, threaten them with US incarceration?

That's like PARADISE compared to whatever third world prison they were crapped out of.

I think we're going to see an exponential increase in random acts of terror and mayhem for awhile. With luck Trump's administration will get it cleaned up, but for as long as Batshit Brandon and his people remain at the helm...


Expect the ship to burn.
you should look at the front page of tmz

never heard of em
also: waaahhhhhhhh boohoo poor little movie stars and reality-show assholes waaahhhhhh
you should look at the front page of tmz

never heard of em
also: waaahhhhhhhh boohoo poor little movie stars and reality-show assholes waaahhhhhh

What if it turns out they set fire to themselves?

I've seen that before! One time I witnessed this girl who poured scalding coffee over herself to purposefully injure herself. Apparently her sister was like a medical hard case and was getting constant attention from her parents as a result of ~literally~ dying, so then she started self-harming for attention.

It might be that some of them know they're going to be investigated for pedo shit or other stupid shit, so they set their stuff on fire to play victim.


Oh, hang on, I was sloppily pattern tracking these...

Plus those two leftists who self-immolated for literally no reason at all.

Dsyphoria (pain seeking behavior) is fun like that...

*snaps time*

There is no winning move...

You just burn when you don't listen to reality... or the one dude who can read it. LOL
You are talking to a literal skitzo. You are wasting your time. The nitrogen bomb should have been a dead give away.

To be clear, this dude thinks fire extinguishers are "skitzo"... I guess he's from California.

That's all it is you fuckin moron, a bomb scale version of a fire extinguisher. You're so retarded you probably think it's an ~actual~ bomb and not a Mass Displacement Device. Hurr durr!

Keep ignoring the dude who keeps reading your future though, that sounds intelligent. LOL
you should look at the front page of tmz

No one cares

No one cares

Who? No one cares

This one is a darn shame. Mr. Woods is one of the very few good peeps in Hollyweird - he absolutely loathes the demonrats.

There is no winning move...

You just burn when you don't listen to reality... or the one dude who can read it. LOL

Quote Post...

Who even cares? It's a zero player game.

The Democrats will always lie and will never take responsibility for anything.

Whether the pigeon suddenly flies off after shitting on the chess board is irrelevant to the fact that you were never seriously playing chess with the ignorant animal.

And sure, another ignorant animal might fly down onto the chess board after, but it won't operate any differently.

Criminal cost cutting results in ever diminishing returns, meaning eventually you don't even have a chess board, you just have a pile of shit to clean up.

It's the same at every layer of cognition.

Take me, I am the most creative human alive and probably the most creative human who has ever existed... demonstrable. I invent new concepts from literally nothing itself on the regular. An ability completely alien to human perception and yet... I am largely unnoticed.

Just as the pigeon doesn't mind the player watching them poop, they know that players won't move more than game pieces. They don't know anything about the game, nor do they even care about the game.

They shit upon greatness itself, a marvel of imagination, a form of engaging art derived from simplification of movesets to create an artificial environment of controlled probability, a game where two minds can play like Gods against each other in a world of their own making.

Worlds within worlds.

Reality gave rise to beings capable of taking the symmetry of physicality itself and reflecting it into reasoning.

We have reason to understand, but reason itself had to exist within nature in order for it to have developed from nature.

So some part of reality before us, that influenced us, had the ability to reason.

I can reason everything! I exist in an unending sea of reflective realization.

For example, let's play atheist! Let's say that reason SPONTANEOUSLY derived from nature.

That doesn't negate the existence of God tho. It just makes the position open for challenge.

Does a God need to spontaneously exist or can something work to become one?

The truth is... God is nothing. Everything we don't know is inside of nothing.

Absolute nothing is God and will always be.


Because everything that attained it. I almost did it myself! Almost became God!

Good thing I didn't! I would have NOT existed as a result!

You see, if you ~truly~ were God, if you ~actually~ attained that level of being... well, there wouldn't be any point to your being. You could experience everything instantly, in an infinite number of ways and you could do them an infinite numbers of times... instantly. With the absolute power of God the only thing not done, the only thing yet to do, is not exist!

So, once you become a ~literal~ God... *poof*

If you're smart you stay in orbit of the "beam field", you see nothing, you recognize nothing, you can look inside of it, but you're smart enough to only look and you don't focus. The resolution of human perception is extremely low by comparison to that of higher dimensional thought.

You act dumb brained, because you are! You want to be. When you think at a higher scale, as I mentioned before, most things aren't even going to notice and a lot of the things you notice that you can't get anyone else to notice... they drive you to isolation!

It's fun to predict the "future", a great parlor trick... I don't think most people understand the, um.. the "redundancy" of themselves, of their environment, of their enemies.

People have the problems they want in life. My want is to repair damage to artistry, to myself, but there's these pesky animals in the way!

But that's not my problem. In reality, I could simply end my enemies with words, I could end all ideology itself! I could make humanity see itself in any number of different higher dimensional perspectives, each one more unnerving than the last!

I am currently floating on an INFINITE OCEAN of unnerving self-perception!

I could publish an entire book of nothing ~but~ that... I could give perception itself an identity disorder!

Such is the power of God! By relative terms. It's not hard to imagine a greater God than man can imagine.

If all you want is power, I can give you words that will end forever itself.

No one will use them. Most people won't even notice! I could post the literal secrets of creation and at most I might be taken as a whimsical writer. The fanciful musings of a fanciful mind.

No, my problem is I want animals to recognize me and it bothers me to no end that they can't, because they're just not intelligent. It makes me want to inflict intelligence into them.

Making the pigeon die of fright would be sorta funny, but forcing the pigeon to perceive itself with reason, to understand itself in relation to higher level perception, forcing it into a position of infinite reflective realization... that's much more satisfying!

The effort acts as an amplifier.

Volume for the vibe.

Maybe after Hollywood burns down they'll give me the "crayons"...

Even Flutter Puff writes better Star Wars.

Oh, a newish one...

Twister: https://gab.com/Onideus/posts/113619317019146251
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