I am afraid of being Ræp'd by clowns - It's worse than it sounds...


Based Necromancer
In this thread, you post what you are afraid of the most, either a person or an event.
It can be something you think might happen and real (like the FBI finding out you hoard a 10 TB hard drive full of CP), or something unlikely and absurd but still scary like Kamala Harris winning the election or getting ræp'd by clowns.


You ofc don't have to tell if it is a real fear or not.


Based Necromancer
I fear nothing, my balls are made of steel.
After all, they took ethanol like a chad.


Based Necromancer
I fear nothing, my balls are made of steel.
After all, they took ethanol like a chad.
I have no fear to lose my libs or anything, I am fucked up in the head.


Based Necromancer

Dildo Baggins

EDF2 Survivor
The gaping maw of hell consuming my soul.


Based Necromancer
The gaping maw of hell consuming my soul.
Let me fist your soul you furthermore, hold ya

Would you like me to make an amputee sex slave out of you?


Based Necromancer
If anyone is going to have their arms and legs cut off, then made into a "sex pillow" it would be you sir....
I mean on one hand I wouldn't mind, I have body integrity dysphoria at least it works for my genitals and my legs, but
on other hand, I am far more than this now and would love to be the next eunuch maker, however it is not legal, so I have to pass, but if I could I would love to help out people with body integrity dysphoria.


I mean on one hand I wouldn't mind, I have body integrity dysphoria at least it works for my genitals and my legs, but
on other hand, I am far more than this now and would love to be the next eunuch maker, however it is not legal, so I have to pass, but if I could I would love to help out people with body integrity dysphoria.
Cut your head off.


Based Necromancer


Meme Magician
I mean on one hand I wouldn't mind, I have body integrity dysphoria at least it works for my genitals and my legs, but
on other hand, I am far more than this now and would love to be the next eunuch maker, however it is not legal, so I have to pass, but if I could I would love to help out people with body integrity dysphoria.

You know in the Ukraine right now, they are chopping off Russian POW's penis's and balls.

You should go join up.
They would welcome you.

Maybe some mean drunk hohols can figure out the "body dismorphia" thing you've got going on there too.
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