Important discussion

depends on if you have feelings for the animal like in this french movie

if you don't / can't, you could argue it's like using a sex toy, except you use an animal as your fleshlight
it seems your wife is pretty smart @Likeicare because if she'd admit you fucking a chimp is not cheating, then how could having sex with any subhuman female like a brazilian or an abo be cheating? She also seems to know you well enough to understand you would be balls deep in some nigger pussy as soon as that argument was through.
Bonobos won't fight back or if they do they will just have sex with you again to make up for the fight.

I say go for it and ask for forgiveness later.
I do remember this story. Fucking dolphin murderers. I probably have read every story that has to do with LSD.

By the way, I said this recently and I'll say it again here. If there is a hell designed just for me when I die, it is going to be a permanent state of not being in control on acid. I just had a major flashback for about 10 to 15 minutes the other day and it was terrifying. Having a loaded gun pressed to your forehead isn't even as bad.
I do remember this story. Fucking dolphin murderers. I probably have read every story that has to do with LSD.

By the way, I said this recently and I'll say it again here. If there is a hell designed just for me when I die, it is going to be a permanent state of not being in control on acid. I just had a major flashback for about 10 to 15 minutes the other day and it was terrifying. Having a loaded gun pressed to your forehead isn't even as bad.
Let me tell you this much. You find religion really quickly when you get yourself into situations like these.
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