Learning How to make templates.

So, I'm currently working on an article about EatDatPussy445, and I'm trying to make a template on the Philadelphia Eagles, or as I would call them "The Cult of the Philidelphia Eagles". Here is a picture of what that template may look like.

I'm trying as hard as I can to make a good Series Template. Also, please note that this is only a rough draft and that there is no actual template that exists right now.
Also please note that I will try to make a Philadelphia Eagles Article, so that It can go with the Template.
Ask yourself these questions before making a series template:

  1. Is it needed?
  2. Is it a redlink somewhere?
  3. How many articles require this "necessary" template?
If your answer to the third question is "1" don't even fucking bother.
You should also follow this guide for your collapsing shit.

I will not make a series template if there arent at least 10 articles linked into it

the retard can't even figure out how to keep his shitty stubs in his userspace, he has no reason to be fucking with templates.
He doesn't need a reason to fuck with templates when all he has to do is ask CrackRabb to do it

e.g. OPRestore
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