Pikachu Über Alles
This case just fucking depresses me. Imagine spending your whole life like that. Locked away in that room for years, your life stolen from you, treated like a human chore machine. Left to stare at the wall for eternity while you should be out and about, working a job, having friends. But no, you got robbed of the fun memories, fucking around with friends late at night, the laughter, the tears.
I hope she's locked in a room for 20 years straight.
Obligatory link/quote to comply with the E.D.F. news section's rules:

Waterbury, Connecticut: How a man escaped an alleged 20 years of captivity by his stepmother | CNN
After nearly two decades, he wanted his freedom, he told police, as he recounted a hellish tale laid out in an arrest warrant that describes a life of “captivity, abuse and starvation.”
The man, now known as “Male Victim 1,” remembered in his early years being hungry and sneaking out of his room at night for something to eat and drink, according to an affidavit included with the warrant.
By fourth grade, he explained, he was asking other people for food. Stealing it. Picking it out of the garbage.
After his food wrappings were found at home, he started getting locked in his room. Eventually, the stepmother permanently pulled the boy out of school and only let him leave his room for chores, according to police interviews.
This was the routine “nearly every day,” the affidavit states.
He was never allowed friends, he told police, and was allowed to have fun only on Halloween. The last time he went trick-or-treating he was 12. He dressed up as a firefighter.
His two half-sisters had friends, he said, but they weren’t allowed to come to the house.
“I have been kept a secret my entire life,” he told police.