

Ok, I was in a bad mood last night and needed to get out of a bad mood. How do we do that everybody?

What's old is new again! Nostalgia for me, quite possibly new to you!


You guys like tracking down people right? That is essentially what doxing is, correct?

Well, you should like this show then. What better than see two buddies thinking that they are the shit and can outsmart two other people on horses, one of which is an expert human tracker!

Here is a clip to whet your appetite!

Some of these people you are going to root for. Some of these people you are going to root against. Fun times!!!~~~

Six seasons of this shit. You are good at finding things. Find this series yourself you tracker!

I would give you a better quality of this, but I can't because this site doesn't like larger uploads.

The rest of this thread will be me taking a few second clips that are funny!!!~~~
Any takers on whether or not this guy finishes the race?

This is how I would imagine most EDF'ers would compete in this show.
This whole thing is going to be spoiler alert so don't check if you don't want it to be spoiled.

Fucking big ups to this guy for going straight up a fucking mountain and surviving. Holy shit! I know I can't do that. Fuck me running!
I'm going to spoiler this one.

I knew this day would come. I finally can start putting down all the cool stuff.

Say hello to the High Noon Roadblock!

I remember this one! This one gets hot and heavy. I won't spoil the whole thing, but this is one of the best episodes.

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