GloriousReader Dramacrat Druggie EDF Gangsta Number 1 Korean New Junkie Wilkins Moonman Movie Night EDitor ShoopPhag E-Detective EDF2 Survivor Dec 24, 2020 #1 Merry christmas to all of you I love you all and hoe you have a good holiday, fuck niggers fuck jannies, fuck jews
Merry christmas to all of you I love you all and hoe you have a good holiday, fuck niggers fuck jannies, fuck jews
A Fucking Box Dramacrat nope.avi Putin Greece Fez Medal Real Metal Medal EDF2 Survivor Dec 25, 2020 #2 Merry Christmas I had some roasted lamb with potatoes and lettuce salad and red wine to celebrate the birth of our Lord I also heavily dislike the Jewish people
Merry Christmas I had some roasted lamb with potatoes and lettuce salad and red wine to celebrate the birth of our Lord I also heavily dislike the Jewish people
GloriousReader Dramacrat Druggie EDF Gangsta Number 1 Korean New Junkie Wilkins Moonman Movie Night EDitor ShoopPhag E-Detective EDF2 Survivor Dec 25, 2020 #3 I got coal like every year
A Fucking Box Dramacrat nope.avi Putin Greece Fez Medal Real Metal Medal EDF2 Survivor Dec 25, 2020 #4 Santa is telling you to have a Christmas cookout
oddguy Ediot Jew incel EDF2 Survivor Dec 26, 2020 #6 Israel bombed Gaza, Syria and Lebanon on Xmas for the third year in a row. Marry christmas!