While the anti-Semites of yesteryear like Ragnar Redbeard or Richard Wagner criticized the Jew and his ideas for being cosmopolitan and egalitarian and revolving around a slave morality identified with the semitic and matriarchal (Otto Weininger and Nietzsche did it), modern NSoys cry promoting that same morality that was once attributed to Hebrew utopianism crying because the Talmud despises the mongrelized goycattle. For that same soy morality today you have "based anti-semites" supporting postmodern decolonial discourses (just like Faye or even Nietzsche himself criticized) from which derives indigenism and other massifying and egalitarian germ corresponding to the last stage of dissolution with libtards who support Mandela (a mossad agent helped by Jewish commies like Joe Slovo to found the turdipolar bantustate that is the failed shithole that is modern South Africa)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Nietzschean_Zionism
>Hebrew decadents harped upon this fool-thought of Universal Peace, Equality, Justice, and Fair Play for ages: but have then not been a pestilent tribe of unwarlike slaves from their leprous beginning? The greatest poem of their repulsive literature, inculcates the “virtue” of patience and submission under intolerable Injustice. All their gyrating prophets scream, and sob, and yell over the wholesale failure of epileptoid ethical standards; and insanely proclaim a 'good' time coming; when every Israelite “shall recline under his own vine and fig tree, with no one to make him afraid.” How delightful?
>Socialism, Christianity, Democratism, Equalityism, are really the whining yelpings of base-bred mongrel-multitudes. They howl aloud for State intervention — “protection for suffering humanity” — regulated mill-grinding as it were; with the State to be their Supreme Idol, their God and Master, their All in All, their Great Panjandrum. Poor deluded base spirited “weeds.” Truly the “Curse of God” is in the very marrow of their bones — in every pump-stroke of their dying hearts.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Nietzschean_Zionism
>Hebrew decadents harped upon this fool-thought of Universal Peace, Equality, Justice, and Fair Play for ages: but have then not been a pestilent tribe of unwarlike slaves from their leprous beginning? The greatest poem of their repulsive literature, inculcates the “virtue” of patience and submission under intolerable Injustice. All their gyrating prophets scream, and sob, and yell over the wholesale failure of epileptoid ethical standards; and insanely proclaim a 'good' time coming; when every Israelite “shall recline under his own vine and fig tree, with no one to make him afraid.” How delightful?
>Socialism, Christianity, Democratism, Equalityism, are really the whining yelpings of base-bred mongrel-multitudes. They howl aloud for State intervention — “protection for suffering humanity” — regulated mill-grinding as it were; with the State to be their Supreme Idol, their God and Master, their All in All, their Great Panjandrum. Poor deluded base spirited “weeds.” Truly the “Curse of God” is in the very marrow of their bones — in every pump-stroke of their dying hearts.