Movie Night Nominations (23 May 2020)

Alright, we need to do a movie night.

I'm in Central Time Zone, so for the sake of simplicity when I say "Saturday 6 pm" that means CST.

So with that out of the way, Friday and Saturdays I am usually trying to get my knob wet.

So Sunday I think is a fine day. Need to know;

A. What time frame on Sunday works.

B. What service should we use (i.e. CyTube)

C. What movie. We will rotate Generes;

1. Action

2. Adventure

3. Hentai Anime

4. Comedy

5. Fantasy

6. Horror/Mystery/Drama

7. Sci-Fi

With that, we will start with Adventure. I nominate three: Mad-Max; Fury Road, Logan, and Seven Samurai.

Post your nominations here and tomorrow will be the official vote.
'The man who killed Hitler and then The Big foot'
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