New swine flu with pandemic potential identified by China researchers

Researchers in China have discovered a new type of swine flu that is capable of triggering a pandemic, according to a study in the US science journal PNAS, although experts said there is no imminent threat.

Named G4, it is genetically descended from the H1N1 strain that caused a pandemic in 2009.

well fuk, good thing I dont raise pork
please don't give me this shit or anyone for that matter I am fucking on the verge of vomiting anyway and I had some 2min effort to lubricate my meal with some cream cheese to put it into my system made out of a stomach for bitches as if all nerves were crying

not to mention, this fucking swine flu is archaic and really fucking shouldn't be the way of how it's poppin' nowadays as I remember being made a conspiracy nutjob for not taking this unresearched piece of shit vaccine back then

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