Opinion: Those who delete their embarasing comments on EDF are bitches.

If you delete your embarrassing comments you are a pussy who thinks he can change the past...

change my mind, if you can.
Name them

Dont be scared

I'm not scared and I wasn't thinking of anyone, although @TinFoilHatGuy did it for a while...
I'm just saying you shouldn't delete past forum comments, because the past can't be undone...
I may be a massive cum guzzling turbo faggot, but I'd be even more of one if I deleted my posts.


EDF2 Survivor
was going to drop a "delet this" meme, till i saw how fucking cancer they were... might delete this later, was feelin cute.
I've made a habit of undeleting people's posts


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor
i can count the number of EDF posts i deleted that stayed deleted and unscreencapped by @Likeicare on one hand


obnoxious faggot
Yeah; and that begs the question, why do you even post in the first place of you constantly delete stuff.
Its some weird attention addiction. I don't like making ridiculous images or putting them out there to make me look like an idoit. Its an impulse I have every so often and as soon as its over I regret my actions and remove it as much as I can. It comes and goes and in different degrees.
If you delete your embarrassing comments you are a pussy who thinks he can change the past...

change my mind, if you can.

Delete your fucking life onedius.mad.wyyzrd.
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