Pair hired for broom-sex show up at wrong address with machetes.

Call Me Tim


Two men snuck into a bedroom with machetes after being hired to carry out a stranger's sexual fantasy of being tied up in his underwear and stroked with a broom, only to discover they had got the wrong address.

The pair from Sydney, Australia, made their apologies and left the startled victim's bedside as soon as they realised their mistake.

One of the men, Terrence Leroy, has now been acquitted of entering the home in July 2019 intending to intimidate while armed with an offensive weapon, after the New South Wales district court accepted his explanation.

Conceding "the facts of the case are unusual", judge Sean Grant set out his reasons for the not guilty verdict, saying the evidence did not suggest the men's actions were intentional.

"They carried the machetes either as a prop or something to use in that fantasy," he said.

"The fantasy was unscripted and there was discretion as to how it would be carried out."

According to court documents, a man living in western NSW, near Griffith, "wanted a broom handle to be rubbed around his underwear".
Broomstick of orgasm
Lots to unpack here.
I was not aware that janitor machete sex was a kink.
I think this is a new market to explore.
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Yo hol up
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