Every time I walk into a public restroom I get the distinct scent of vape in there, whether it be some retarded flavored capsule or just nic you can always tell when people have been doing it because the room will be way too warm. Vaping is no balls activity as its just tobacco for faggots and people who suck on that geek bar are almost as bad as weed addicts because they don't like to admit they're addicts either and they'll be sucking on that vape like how they suck on cocks anywhere, even while eating they'll take a hit because they're as chemically addicted as can be. I am an enemy of everyone who vapes because they have less gray matter than you and I in their brains.
^ brain of a vaper, shrunken and smoothed from years of inhaling heavy metal into their lungs.
^ brain of a vaper, shrunken and smoothed from years of inhaling heavy metal into their lungs.