Ramadan doesn't make no fucking sense

These mudslime motherfuckingfuckers are eating like kings while "fasting", eating better than they probably were outside of Ramadan but apparently its sacrifice because they have to skip lunch.

Not to mention they don't drink water throughout the day. Food I could see, but no water? That's fucking retarded.

Orthodox fasting is stupid too. It's basically just eating vegan

I'm doing a fast for health reasons rn and its just silly to see people claim they are "fasting" while stuffing themselves with carbs
Just a reminder as you hate the Mohammedans this Ramadan:
Islamics might be hyper-arian heretics, but Jews think Christ is boiling in shit in hell. Remember to take some time out of your day to give Jews the hate they deserve.

They also shill constantly to cause animosity between Christians and Muslims.
Exactly. I'm pretty sure Prophet Muhammad was a Talmudic Jew, I've never seen him do anything explicitly Un-kosher or whatever, he even refrained from calling god god, opting for "Allah" instead
These mudslime motherfuckingfuckingfuckers are eating like kings while "fasting", eating better than they probably were outside of Ramadan but apparently its sacrifice because they have to skip lunch.

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I didn’t see many vegetables amongst that arab slop.

Middle Eastern food is generally not good. Maybe that’s why the goat humpers are constantly angry.
Not to mention they don't drink water throughout the day. Food I could see, but no water? That's fucking retarded.

Orthodox fasting is stupid too. It's basically just eating vegan

I'm doing a fast for health reasons rn and its just silly to see people claim they are "fasting" while stuffing themselves with carbs
Mudslimes will claim to fast and end up eating two feasts per day because they pull Jews and subvert their own customs for convenience.
Just a reminder as you hate the Mohammedans this Ramadan:
Islamics might be hyper-arian heretics, but Jews think Christ is boiling in shit in hell. Remember to take some time out of your day to give Jews the hate they deserve.

They also shill constantly to cause animosity between Christians and Muslims.
I know what Jews think on that front, they're practically demons in human skinsuits, but its this month's time to make fun of the Muslims for their backwards customs and retarded beliefs, I ate bacon earlier, listened to music, and will do other... haram activities later. I would drink alcohol but I don't do that.
I'm doing a fast for health reasons rn and its just silly to see people claim they are "fasting" while stuffing themselves with carbs
You're not fasting, you're dieting. Fasting is done for religious reasons, and the more important aspect of it isn't refraining from food as it is refraining from anger, lust etc. To exercise control over the appetite is easy compared to controlling a racing mind, which is why I never tried it. I did an anti-fast I guess, where I basically ate meat and fat w/o bread and pastries, potato being the only source of carbs. Went from 85 to 70kg, and looked awful, people with wider frames should pack fat and muscle, not try to be skinny.
You're not fasting, you're dieting. Fasting is done for religious reasons, and the more important aspect of it isn't refraining from food as it is refraining from anger, lust etc. To exercise control over the appetite is easy compared to controlling a racing mind, which is why I never tried it. I did an anti-fast I guess, where I basically ate meat and fat w/o bread and pastries, potato being the only source of carbs. Went from 85 to 70kg, and looked awful, people with wider frames should pack fat and muscle, not try to be skinny.
Not eating is fasting, retard
Middle eastern food is the same thing as greek and it has tons of veggies. If youre going to be a racist, you dont have to be retarded about it
I didn’t say middle eastern food doesn’t contain vegetables. I said the particular arab garbage in the video was mostly devoid of vegetables - it was carbs and overcooked meat.

But it’s true about middle eastern food: it’s generally not good. Unleavened bread and mashed garbanzo beans are not tasty.
Its even just in the abstract, Muzzies eat around 50% MORE food during Ramadan as opposed to regularly.
I didn’t say middle eastern food doesn’t contain vegetables. I said the particular arab garbage in the video was mostly devoid of vegetables - it was carbs and overcooked meat.

But it’s true about middle eastern food: it’s generally not good. Unleavened bread and mashed garbanzo beans are not tasty.
Thats not all they eat. Youre only saying this because theyre not white
>blame Jews for inter-religious strife
>gets into a slap fight about religious practices, with no Jews present


PS youre all fat
PPS white people I mean
PPPS and if youre not white youre probably still fat
PPPPS Quence is even fatter
PPPPPS dis is a good post, upvotes to da left~~
>blame Jews for inter-religious strife
>gets into a slap fight about religious practices, with no Jews present


PS youre all fat
PPS white people I mean
PPPS and if youre not white youre probably still fat
PPPPS Quence is even fatter
PPPPPS dis is a good post, upvotes to da left~~
(I meant my comment is a goood post, not this thread the thread is shit and op is shit and a fat faggot)
one thing people don't know about ramadan is that prophet fucked up by using the lunar calendar and it kind of shifted in the year over the centuries, ramadan used to be a thing when days were the shortest so no food and water for 8 hours was more manageable
Middle Eastern food is stinky and that's why Middle Eastern people are stinky. They all smell like farts, so it's really no wonder they are all virgins, and that turns them into violent terrorist who blow up hospitals.
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