Reality tv star smokes 2.5k worth of meth a day


Remember that white trash lady that had that show pimping her fat kid out to beauty pageants
Well she gott arrested for possession of crack and got her kids taken away
Now she just admitted to cnn that she smoked over 2 grand worth of meth a day which is impossible really you could smoke meth 24 hours straight and not smoke that much
Amphetamines are great.
I took a metric fuckton of Adderall one time and my mom later brought home a box of salted chocolate covered caramels(mmm)
I had no interest at all in them and just thought that was amazing. The food switch in my brain completely turned off!

I think i could take over the world if i had 2k worth of meth lol
Did your street fighter rank go up while you were taking addy
I would wager its even impossible to do 2.5K of coke a day, much less meth.

If you pay regular market prices that is...
Meth is super cheap right now
An eight ball (3.5gs) of meth in florida is 100-150
I know people selling ozs between 800 and 1200
That means this bitch was doing 2.5 ozs of meth a day
Sounds like bull shit
Meth is super cheap right now
An eight ball (3.5gs) of meth in florida is 100-150
I know people selling ozs between 800 and 1200
That means this bitch was doing 2.5 ozs of meth a day
Sounds like bull shit
Shes got meth face but yeah I dont think her heart or blood vessels could handle that amt without causing a massive bleed. Most heavy meth users end up with massive head bleeds I've seen.

I'm more surprised HoneyBooBoo is still alive tho
Meth is super cheap right now
An eight ball (3.5gs) of meth in florida is 100-150
I know people selling ozs between 800 and 1200
That means this bitch was doing 2.5 ozs of meth a day
Sounds like bull shit

Yeah thats what I would have guessed. Meth is quite rare here up north but I think its around 50 bucks per g max.
2.5 grand would buy you an ounce of top notch coke.
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