Russian twins make out with eachother

Imagine living in a place without shitskins. A place where you can take your whole family without having to be near rude, stupid, thieving, inconsiderate, loudmouth niggers. But surrounded only by like-minded people who share the same values, hopes and dreams.

Are we talking about heaven or are we talking about Russia?

Russia may not be perfect, no place is. However, our White species has evolved over countless millennia in such a place. This is why it resonates so deeply. Our race came from out of the earth from this part of the planet. Don't be confused by the artificial political boundaries mostly constructed by jews, rather look to the latitudual geography of the globe for our most ancient origin. Our nation is the White Nation. Not constrained by borders, or the corrals the jew would have us in, waving flags that are nothing more than a brand burnt into the rump of a steer. It's clear to see the jew doesn't confine itself to a nation, rather they are bound by their blood, this is precisely what gives their small numbers the exponential power they possess.

The idea of Russia gives White people a concept of home. Of sanctuary. A place where our kind belongs and can thrive. It separates us from the savages. Darwin talked extensively of the human subspecies conflict and predicted the brown races would become extinct due to their inferior brains. What Darwin couldn't foresee was how the jew would steal resources from us in order to prop-up the shitskins and use those shitskins to kill and eliminate our race.

Please don't assume this is the end of the story. The earth has never produced a greater collective brain than the White brain. We are momentarily infected with a parasite. Be assured, the remedy is comin.
They probably do this just to get women off.
The jew is an expert at creating mock opposition.

These people are all screened and selected the same way movie actors are, that's because they're essentially the same thing. And we've been trained to use the jew-approved words to describe them which keeps us from seeing their real purpose. We call them actors, politicians, pundits, commentators, celebrities, athletes, musicians etc.
When in fact they're all one gigantic group of jew-tools whose ultimate purpose is to keep us from seeing the jew.

In the tool selection process, the jew is careful to pick only those people with serious character weaknesses. Easily extorted. Easily bought. They look for charismatic sociopaths with the ability to shamelessly lie. In the case of sports athletes, they really don't care about the tool's ability to lie, but only their ability to attract those most loathsome of the lemmings, the sports fan. Then the jew will slip in filth at the halftime show and commercials.

The mock opposition is akin to the red herring. A diversion. A squid spewing ink. Anything to keep critical eyes off the jew.

So many Whites are derailed in their journey to becoming truly racially aware by this trick of the jew.

With great skepticism, cynicism and a 'guilty until proven innocent' attitude is the way to cut through the jew's bullshit and see it for what it is.
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