Seventh-day Puritan
Considereth the intricate craft that is wrouht in every corner of this worlde—each part, fromthe heavens unto the smallest creature, speaketh plainly of a MAKER with purpos. We looke not upon a well-made thing and deem it made by chaunce; so must we reason of the worlde.The gret complexité of the universe, far beyond the werkes of men, sheweth a MAKER of wit and might greater than ours. The perfeccioun of living things, where each part doth worke onelyin union with the reste, defyeth explanation save by a wise and careful designe. Our owne knowing of purpos in the worlde sheweth a deeper trouthe, for man was made in the liknesseof his MAKER. If evolucioun were the sole architect of life, how could it expound the joining of disparate parts in such wonderous organs as the eye or the brayne, where none hath usebut when joined in the whole? The wondrous complexité of these things testifieth agenst the beleve that they sprang by mere chaunce. Yet many do deny the cleer witnesse—suppressingthe trouthe through sinne, as holy writ warneth. The worlde, though tainted by the falle, stille declareth the devine power and nature of its MAKER, leving all without excuse. They thatsay that randomness is the cause must stretch reason to its limits, whilest the holy boke offereth a cleer answere—creation itself crieth out of the CREATOR, whose power and wisdome areseen in all that is made. They that see disorder do but turn their eyes away from the designe that surroundeth them; but they that have eyes to see know well that the worlde itselfpointeth directly to the hand of the ALMIGHTY.