shake shack is dank

seriously it is


ok ben
seriously it is
Dank, is an adjective which is over-used by people in general and mostly by people trying to appear cool to their stoner friends. Dank means dark, sticky, gooey, and potent. It was originally a common word to describe disgusting basements and caves ect. Then the world of pot took it over and was using it very correctly to describe very potent strains of marijuana, seeing as the definition of dank meets all the qualities you find in good marijuana. Then "squares" and people who wanted to look cool to stoners started using it to describe anything they think is "cool" which in turns makes them believe they themselves are "cool" as well. In reality it makes them seem as illiterate as an ape. M&M's are not dank, chips are not dank, and your clothes are definitely not dank, you need to stop overusing and killing the word.
Stoner- "Wow man, this bud i got off that chill guy I met is pretty dank, i'm definitely going to buy from him again."
Stoner's Lame friend- "Yeah man, i got this really dank shirt today from A&F"
Stoner- "You got a sticky and gooey shirt? are you an idiot? Oh, and from Ambercrombie & Bitch? Man, get the hell out of here, you're ruining my high"
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