Gut Pile Self hating Jew Jul 9, 2020 #1 Your faggot tranny is loose and shitting things up. Can you please pick him up and next time don't let him out.
Your faggot tranny is loose and shitting things up. Can you please pick him up and next time don't let him out.
Maysam Dramacrat Admin Mind Control Administrator gertbox Universal Healthcare LOL Estonian ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA ESTONIA Jul 9, 2020 #2 nobody cares about your decrepit geriatrics club
lurk Dramacrat Metalhead EDF2 Survivor Number 1 Jul 9, 2020 #3 you guys couldnt keep it contained before, why should it be our job now?