Was that before she became evil?Nancy Pelosi was hot when she was younger, that was 1,000 years ago.
Big milkersNancy Pelosi was hot when she was younger, that was 1,000 years ago.
I don't have big boobs. ????Big milkers
AndI don't have big boobs. ????
Are you okAnd do NOT dig for PI!
I hope so. Thank you for asking.Are you ok
I don't have big boobs. ????
EXCUSE ME, but don’t be sayin’ bad things ‘bout Madelaine!Why that finger fiveheaded bitch that looks like an albino crypt keeper have her own gif series? Who decided that was a need?
Is the message 'respect my fivehead or I will devour your soul with my evil fire crotch gingerpowers?'EXCUSE ME, but don’t be sayin’ bad things ‘bout Madelaine!
Get it? Got it? GOOD! BTW, Maddie has a message for U...
I don’t think she’s a complete 5-head. She’s closer to a 4.5-headIs the message 'respect my fivehead or I will devour your soul with my evil fire crotch gingerpowers?'
Shes so pale shes practically translucent. Like she lives in some deep sunless cave. N her head is freakishly bright n shiny.
Shes a fucking nosferatu.