
ITT we dedicate a tribute to our old lolcows who are long forgotten.

Savetheinternet - creator of, the Tinyboard script and Shotgunhost. Notable for hacking EDF2 in 2011 after Ryan Cleary of LulzSec DDOS'd DreamHost costing him hundreds of dollars in server bills. He was able to figure out an insecure password that Zaiger had set to "niggers1" before he leaked the email addresses of EDF users onto Pastebin. The dox was featured on Daniel Brandt's "joseph evers" blog but later deleted after Cleary or someone from ED threatened to fuck up his website too. STI later got doxed himself shortly after.


Flaglerchat - an old senile failtroll who discovered EDF2 circa 2012 and tried to "troll" them, failed, and a year later vowed to take down ED. In his signature, he included a linkwrap'd 1pxl over 1pxl image linking to, despite the inaccuracy of this website and despite already faildoxing Zaiger previously. He also would blank his own article and create sockpuppets on EDF2. Also noteworthy for lusting after KKKoonhater's fat wife.


Messyjessie - got banned from EDF2 after having one of her clients dox Zaiger through information he found on Google. Then later she called up the website's owner and left death threats on his answering machine after the second article was published to ED.

Asalieri - got into a slapfight with Milwin resulting in him sending legal threats to ED's web host causing ED's first flounce from .se.


Daniel Brandt - in 2014 he managed to jack the .es domain after Zaiger registered it under his name in an attempt to drive away any negative attention that the site might bring him by simply calling up the web host and shutting the domain down.

Vordrak - in 2016 Vordrak won £10,000 in libel damages against KiwiDynastia and Likeicare after they called him a pedophile on his ED article.


Anyone I'm missing out on, because I know that I'm probably missing plenty. Also, not Onideus since he is too much of a loser to do anything more than writing about what he'll do and never following up like a pussy. I will also exclude ED staff like Girlvinyl, Zaiger, ConradRock, SeeBeen and now Linkerman and other disgraced EDiots and only include lolcows.
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