Ok, so like, there's this hipster game journalist named Tim Rogers who writes tl;dr "maximalist" articles about why you should stop bullying him for wearing a pink shirt and why the apple trackpad is the best video game controller ever made. He tried to make his own games once but obviously no one gave a shit so he decided to keep working for Kotaku, even trying to white knight it in the Youtube comments section despite seeing Kotaku as below him.

He's so infamous that a goon wrote a satirical article aping his style back when people cared about Something Awful.

He's the pioneer of modern game journalism.
oh, it gets even worse

Here are the things people complain about in their hate comments:

  1. My Glasses: "I bet you don't even need those glasses" is the most common—and most bewildering—form of the comment.
  2. My American Apparel clothing: "Fuck off back to American Apparel" was one I deleted just two hours ago.
  3. My hair: it is often simply described as "horrible" and "ugly". It is just as often described as "stupid".
  4. My voice: it is often described as "dumb", "stupid", or "gay".
  5. My mustache: it was described as a "hipster mustache", a "Dirty Sanchez" (what an idiotic euphemism), a "pube stache", a "molestache", or simply "gay".
  6. My pink sweater.

The fact that he had to write an article about this is even more faggy. Just stop giving a fuck about what people think about you.

It's bad enough that if it bothers you. But trying to prove how much you DON'T care by writing an entire article about it is the writer's equivalent of a comb-over.


>> "In his world, that's enough of an answer. He's not the miniature accidental internet celebrity troll-jerk with a legion of the devoted hateful. Of course he doesn't know how it feels."

I have been on that side tho, I HAVE had my inbox crammed with emails full of random people telling me to die in a fire. And not in some kind of e-bullying thing in high school, but because I ran a very popular fan website. Of course it bothered me... when I was fucking 18 years old. I got over it because, seriously, it IS just the internet. Stop letting it affect you. Now if you have some kind of depression or other diagnosed mental disease... fine, but even then, talk to your therapist, not spend the next two years debating over writing that article.

>> " I have started and stopped writing a version of this article a dozen times over the past two years."

Jesus, this is worse than that one guy who got teased in high school, waited 15 years to then call in a Radio Show to prank-call his high school tormentor, despite the fact that both were well into their 30's. Get the fuck over it!

I mean, not even in a so-called "toxic masculinity" way of "man up, nancy!", but, seriously, be a fucking adult!




Well it's good that the top comment is someone basically telling him the same thing:
>> "Tim - Have you ever stopped to consider the possibility it is in fact you, who are the ignorant jerks? Assholes are going to be assholes. It is the well-balanced individuals in this society that are able to adequately cope with those assholes. I know plenty of KIDS who love nerdy crap and probably catch an unbelievable amount of heat for it, but they don't care, because they love what they love."

Jesus fuck, exactly; when you have CHILDREN who are more well-adjusted than you are... I think your problems are WAAAAAY deeper than society's opinion of the color pink.

I therefore sincerely hope that, in the nearly 10 years since this diatribe was posted on Kotaku (and therefore reinforcing the idea that Gawker Media was a mistake), Tim Rogers grew a spine. But I have my doubts.


I don't think I have the courage to sit through a SECOND article of his like this.
Curiosity got the best of me to see if Kotaku has become any different. lol nope: https://kotaku.com/the-nier-replicant-remaster-does-many-good-things-and-o-1846743596

>> "The Nier Replicant Remaster Does Many Good Things And One Awful Thing"
>> "It indeed involves using the camera to try to peek at Kainé’s undergarments. Peek 10 times and Kainé will kill the player character, causing a “Game Over” and unlocking the achievement. It’s new to this version of the game, as it’s only achievable during the newly-added playthrough E."
>> "I shouldn’t have to point out how bad this is. Turning one of my favorite characters, with a mouth as foul as her heart is big, into an object to gawk at in order to score invisible video game points is childish and offensive."


Just because it's POSSIBLE to do something, it doesn't mean you have to do it, and that doesn't make something neither good nor bad. Rather, your choices is what makes something good or bad. I don't give a shit about "invisible video game points", and neither should you.

>> "I shouldn’t have to point out how bad this is."

But you just did.

>> "Turning one of my favorite characters ... into an object to gawk at"

But... she IS an object. "She" doesn't exist. Hell, the very fact that we're even using pronouns to describe a digital puppet of some 0's and 1's means we're anthropomorphizing that object, which is frankly not that much different than objectifying a human being: you are treating something for what it isn't. In this case, you are placing human emotions onto something that doesn't exist. $50 says you also consider lolicon hentai "child porn" too; please, don't surprise me.

The designers of the game clearly recognize that it is a game, and the digital puppets are literal objects, so they clearly are welcoming you to objectify said object. Are you arguing that objects CAN be anthropomorphized, and that artist intent is irrelevant??
Fucking bootlicker, jesus shit

>> you're saying I have no talent outside of Kotaku

On the contrary, it sounds like they're arguing that you have plenty of talent and don't NEED to be a Kotaku bootlicker to be successful. Holy fucking shit I despite these people
This is still the shortest thing he ever wrote.
> steal this look


Why the fuck do I want to look like a pussy hipster like that? I've had these damn hipsters steal my look, so why I should I bother stealing it back? They can have it.

I'm back to wearing baseball caps now:



>> "I do not own a single pair of underwear that cost me less than $28."

Did this guy invent humble-bragging or something? No one gives a shit.

That said, these are the kinds of fags I'd KILL to sell to. Those who would pay $1,000 to buy my ripped pants just so they can look like the kind of person with ripped pants without actually doing anything to make it happen.

>> "I am not ashamed of what I like"

Except that within a year you'll write an article about how unashamed you are about how you look.

Tim Rogers referring to himself as a "rockstar videogame journalist" is my favorite part of this impossible, unstructured and worthless 7,000 word abortion of a videogame review. Tim's spastic inability to write a coherent essay is only matched by his hilarious self-effacing faux egotism. Tim knows he isn't really a rockstar, but…wink! WINK WINK WINK! Tim is the kind of guy who would win a Magic: the Gathering tournament in high school and be really proud about it, but he knows everyone would think he's a total fag if he bragged about it, but he can't help himself so he brags about it ironically. "Yeah, you guys can forget about the big game this weekend, because I am going to be be…get this…building a new championship deck!"

Here, Tim, let me help you pick up all these fucking names you are dropping all over the place. It's like a gossip column about retarded Japanese videogame theory. Tim's article includes two detailed reviews for entirely different games sandwiched into the middle of this review. These nested reviews are so incoherent that they amount to little more than babbling.
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