The Josh Fight actually happened

For those unaware, a post was made by a bunch of Joshes back in 2020 about all guys named Josh fighting in a field on April 24th 2021. And unlike Area 51, they actually pulled it off dozens (Possibly hundreds) of people showed up to the fight. Couldn't find the image but they even had the field the fight took place in marked on either Google Maps or Google Earth.

This is a historic internet event people!
As long as they don't fuck up Memorial Stadium, then everything will be fine.
Found the Google maps image in the meantime.

Not only did I not watch the videos in the OP, I also know that Nebraska is a fucking shithole because you're either a farmer or retarded or both.

Yeah, that's why all we got is College Football...

when the Huskers aren't playing, we get board, and do stupid shit like this.
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