What is it like and what route of administration should I use. also, any good potentators?
Thx m8~ Paging Dr. Dilaudid ~
IV if you have access. If it's pills you should crush them up and snort or swallow them. Preferably swallow as you waste a lot snorting. Crushing increases surface area which increases absorption rate.
I've heard diphenhydramine (benadryl) potentiates opioid highs.
You should also have someone available to narcan you if you stop breathing. (i.e. a buddy to call the ambulance and provide rescue breaths into your faggot face while you wait for the medics to show up)
you can shove it in your ass too but banging it is a stronger rush than h but doesnt have the legs h does my favorite way to do it was with a couple benzos so it stretches itThx m8
Sage advicekeep puke bucket handy