What country has the best booze

depends on what kind of booze you mean really

vodka - polish
rectified spirits - definitely polish
whiskey - scottish
beer - czech/britbong/irish
wine - i don't drink that shit so don't want to be a judge
mead - i like polish but there's not much imported mead here so i'll withhold my opinion
cider - irish
depends on what kind of booze you mean really

vodka - polish
rectified spirits - definitely polish
whiskey - scottish
beer - czech/britbong/irish
wine - i don't drink that shit so don't want to be a judge
mead - i like polish but there's not much imported mead here so i'll withhold my opinion
cider - irish
You forgot:

mouthwash - 'murikan
You forgot:

mouthwash - 'murikan
ah yes, especially the shotgun kind

Canadians always like to brag about their beer, but I drink budweiser for some reason. Bud light is for pussies. Guiness the dark irish beer is for people looking for an adventure and that have a strong stomach.
i love me some guinness but it's rather weak for a beer coming at 4,2%, most beers here are 5,5-6%. unless by adventure you mean the overall taste then i would agree that you need to get used to drinking darker beers
i love me some guinness but it's rather weak for a beer coming at 4,2%, most beers here are 5,5-6%. unless by adventure you mean the overall taste then i would agree that you need to get used to drinking darker beers
Taste is part of what I mean by adventure, I also find It easier to chuck (throw up) on darker beers than light, I dont know if thats just me doe. Pretty sure you can get beers up to 8% and with higher proofs it than becomes malt liqour.
beer - Ireland
wine - USA (seriously)
hard stuff - Poland, CZ, Slovakia, wherever they make their own moonshine slivovitz
ur mom
depends on what kind of booze you mean really

vodka - polish
rectified spirits - definitely polish
whiskey - scottish
beer - czech/britbong/irish
wine - i don't drink that shit so don't want to be a judge
mead - i like polish but there's not much imported mead here so i'll withhold my opinion
cider - irish
mead's in kind of a weird spot. while i cant speak for outside the US, over here it seems that most if not all mead makers are small biz. from what ive seen online it looks like they get lumped in with wine a lot though it probably doesnt help they've also been 'borrowing' wines' lexicon.

disclaimer: i make my own and never bought anyone else's.
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