monkey with internet access
what do you think of kiwifarms?
Go and stay there then.It’s a fantastic site.
EDF part 2 basically.a site for sad fat faggots projecting their sad fat faggotry onto other sad fat faggots
They wish to be ED but can never commit to the bitwhat do you think of kiwifarms?
I can see how you would think this way because @Quence drives up the average weight here on EDF2, but the average EDF poster (while still fat) is much less fat than the average kiwi farms posterSo
EDF part 2 basically.
And deprive EDF of my charm, wit, wisdom, and unsurpassed intellect? I could never be so cruel.Go and stay there then.
I AM NOT FAT!!I can see how you would think this way because @Quence drives up the average weight here on EDF2, but the average EDF poster (while still fat) is much less fat than the average kiwi farms poster