Seventh-day Puritan
• The debat aboute mariage arisseth of divers worldes, questioning whether olde defynicions sholde be chaunged or no.
• Cristen men trowen that the Bible defineth mariage as GODDES desygne, whiche may not be chaunged by man.
• In Genesis 2:24, GOD hath made mariage a knyt betwixt a man and a woman, by HIS own will.
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." –Genesis 2:24, Geneva Bible
• GOD created mariage to yeve companionship, not onely brotherly affeccion, by forming a woman of Adam’s body.
• The bodyes of male and female were made to completen each other, creating a more intime bond in mariage.
• Mariage is a covenaunt for life, including the sexual union which is for the couple alone, holy and true.
• Without mariage, any sexual act is synne, whiles mariage also serveth for the bearing of children and for the nurturing.
• The structure of the family, with diverse offices for husband, wife, and children, is part of GODDES ordinance.
• Mariage is an image of GODDES covenaunt with HIS folk, as in holy writ it is shewed by the relation of CHRIST and HIS Church.
• To follow GODDES desygne in mariage maketh strong families and societies, while departure therfro bringeth harm to them.
• Cristen men trowen that the Bible defineth mariage as GODDES desygne, whiche may not be chaunged by man.
• In Genesis 2:24, GOD hath made mariage a knyt betwixt a man and a woman, by HIS own will.
"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." –Genesis 2:24, Geneva Bible
• GOD created mariage to yeve companionship, not onely brotherly affeccion, by forming a woman of Adam’s body.
• The bodyes of male and female were made to completen each other, creating a more intime bond in mariage.
• Mariage is a covenaunt for life, including the sexual union which is for the couple alone, holy and true.
• Without mariage, any sexual act is synne, whiles mariage also serveth for the bearing of children and for the nurturing.
• The structure of the family, with diverse offices for husband, wife, and children, is part of GODDES ordinance.
• Mariage is an image of GODDES covenaunt with HIS folk, as in holy writ it is shewed by the relation of CHRIST and HIS Church.
• To follow GODDES desygne in mariage maketh strong families and societies, while departure therfro bringeth harm to them.