who is the best KIKE! KIKE! KIKE! REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! on edf


  • Total voters
I votes for you because you bumped your own thread.

Obviously for more sheckles
  • ddt: classic, gets a vote
  • cmt: geriatric and annoyingly angry all the time, no vote
  • rodion: fails to waste enough of his valuable lifetime on EDF, no vote
  • moonrunes: should kys niggercel, no vote
  • tardchick: retarded blob, should also kys niggercel but not as painfully as moonrunes, no vote
  • oddguy: legend, doesn't post enough, still a legend, gets a vote
  • tasuviyo: forgot about that nigga but he's funny, hope he doesn't kys niggercel, gets a vote
You forgot @Maysam circumcized his cock due to how hard he cucks for the jews,

Ben is a jew. His dad is a jew. Ben is a ginger. Many gingers are jews. And he doesn't practice any religion. Most jews are athiest.
Give Ben a couple of years and he'll be screaming about his kikeness. Or he's just pretending to be white. A common practice among jews.

The best jew is the one in the oven. Since it's mathematically impossible to cremate 6 million jews (and in addition 6 more million people) in 5 years using 30 wood fired kilns, sadly there are no best jews.
Ben is a jew. He claimed to be a jew when he first found EDF.
i literally denied being jewish until lic publicly revealed my last name. take your fucking meds
it is crazy that you're literally from the highest caste of jew lol maybe you're the cohen gadol lets fly you to the temple, sacrifice a goat and annointed oil see if we can end the world.
i'm not a real cohen. my paternal haplogroup is the most common one in western europe
i'm not a real cohen. my paternal haplogroup is the most common one in western europe
damn they really got you to kapo out with the easiest conspiracy theory to disprove.
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